It’s possible that your W-2s are being requested via email and handed over without a second thought because the email looks so convincing!
Tips to know it’s a Phishing Scam:
1: Don’t click on links in an email from an unknown user
2: Leave your macros disabled
3: Beware of typos
4: Have up-to-date security on your computer
5: Make sure your password is unique
6: Check your accounts periodically to make sure nothing is out of place
What to do if this happens to you:
Visit one of the websites below and follow the instructions there. or
As always, if we can ever be of assistance, please feel free to give us a call at 603-524-1400, email us at, or link up with one of our technicians on live chat at!
If there is a topic that you would like more information on, please feel free to contact us!