It’s almost February and hackers have come up with a new email trick hoping to fool us into opening their attachments.

They are sending ‘love letters’ with subjects similar to:

: )

; )

: D

I love you

My letter just for you

Please read and Reply

Wrote this letter for you

Just for you!

This is my love letter to you

My love letter for you

Wrote my thoughts down about you

Wrote the fantasy about us down

Felt in love with you!

Always thinking about you

You are my love!

When you open the attachment it downloads a combination of GrandCrab, a mining bot and a spambot.

What to do if you get this email:

Don’t open any attachment from someone you don’t know and if it looks like it’s from someone you know, verify with them that they sent you an attachment.

As always, if we can ever be of assistance, please feel free to give us a call at 603-524-1400, email us at, or link up with one of our technicians on live chat at!

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